Alessandra Rehder

, 19/08/2017


Saturday 19th, it will occur the opening of "Subtração & Forma", by photographer Alessandra Rehder, at Centro Cultural dos Correios. Up until October 8th, with curatorship of Wagner Barja, the exhibition is composed by circa 80 images of different series by the artist.

With an autoral technich, in which the elements cutted from images, launch voids and eloquent three-dimensionality, the artist scores subtracted realities in many continents.

"Alessandra traveled the world in search for different cultures. Her worried look pointed her camera especially for subtracted childhood from geopolitical inhumanity. In addition to the context of abandonment revealed in these melancholy images of a black and white childhood, the photographer's critical eye rise to a breath of solidarity in this senseless world. Her camera also turned to nature, focusing on the environmental issues that afflict contemporary man. In this series in colour, presented in the Subtraction and Shape show. a conterpoint is set against this set of preoccupations with the devastation of the environment.
The nomadism of looking at these global problems guided their records of cultire and nature in this nonconformist quest. Accorsing to Alessandra: "the treatment given to childhood has never been so unequal". All this matters, worried and sensitises the artist who with her lenses has collected images in communities of low HDI, in countries of diverse cultures. Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Brazil, Philippines, West Papua, India, Jamaica and Turkey are part of their extensive road map.
The use of an experimental plastic vocabulary differentiates its compositions from simple documentation. This plastic narrative is constructed in consonance with the title that names the exhibition. After enlarged, the photos go through the act of cutting and mounting, which turns the flat surface into low relief. From this action, the concept of formal subtraction jumps into the eyes. In this sublte and delicate gesture, which makes three-dimensional images, Alessandra Rehder composes her solitary plastic discourse dedicated to the excluded and declining nature." (Wagner Barja)

Centro Cultural Correios - Avenida São João, s/nº, Vale do Anhangabaú, São Paulo, SP

Working hours: Mon to Fri, at 11h til 17h.
Rating: General Audiences
Free Entry

Where to park?
At Praça das Artes parking lot.
Av São João, 281 - Centro, with acess also by Rua Conselheiro Crispiniano, 354 (behind Theatro Municipal de São Paulo.)

Metrô - Estação São Bento, exit to Vale do Anhangabaú.

Alessandra Rehder